A computer vision based project which requires to figure out hands in hundreds of First-person Video Camera photos and then classify those hands with different hand grasp gestures.
We are asked to find the hand image from the screenshots of a First-Person Video (EGTEA Gaze+ dataset to be more specific) and then classify the grasp type of different hands seperately.
Our method composes two parts: A.Find out the hand from the images and B. Classify hands by their grasp gestures.
We use two methods for each part in order to finish this task. Both covers a traditional method and a deep-learning based method. The result shows some kind of superiority of deep-learning based method over the traditional method. You can find more details through our report and our slides (currently both Chinese only).
This project has great potential future use into field like Human-Computer Interaction and also can be used to create some creative works.
We have run our UMA/ and classifyer/ part on Google Colab, which means they usually need a typical GPU environment, some mainstream deeplearning freameworks(like Pytorch here) and normal Python models (like pandas) together with Acaconda in Linux system like Ubuntu.
As for the Another_result, we developed our project thorugh C++ with Xcode on OSX. You shall need OpenCV2 environment to run A_grabcut/ and B_handtracker/. OpenCV3 is needed to run C_classify/.
You can download the whole documents(including some other images produced in this task) through this link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1zGeSSzMKpOd6dWMGApxMTw (password: cvpr)
We reference some other works to our project,this may include:
“Generalizing Hand Segmentation in Egocentric Videos with Uncertainty-Guided Model Adaptation” by Minjie Cai, Feng Lu and Yoichi Sato
“Pixel-level Hand Detection for Ego-centric Videos” by Cheng Li and Kris M. Kitani
(https://github.com/irllabs/handtrack and https://github.com/cmuartfab/grabcut)
“Hand Keypoint Detection in Single Images using Multiview Bootstrapping” by Tomas Simon, Hanbyul Joo, Iain Matthews, Yaser Sheikh
We really appreciate them for their great works!