

An Arduino project promotes people's awareness of protecting the environment.

View the Project on GitHub actbee/Hearing-the-Fume

Hearing the Fume



This is a little project mainly based on Arduino.


There are four sensors hiden under the paper chimneys, so when hands put down towards those paper chimneys the actual distances can be detected and thus the computer will know the real-time data and play the exact sound we provided before. To be more specific, it will change the sound from noisy city sound to holy nature sound. One sound is fadding and another is appearing. In the same time, we add some chemicals to produce continues fume from the chimneys.



The idea of this project is simple. Since the pollution of the earth is getting worse, we are here to tell the people that it is time to do something to make our environment better! Using the hand to block the chimneys and stop the fume is a symbol. It is our duty to do some environmentenly friendly behaviors from now on.

You can find the video of this project here.

hand hand